Monday, 29 August 2011

Learn To Play With Eric Lewis

Learn how to play the violin with one of the worlds greatest violinists of The Manhattan String Quartet, Eric Lewis.

With some 40 years experience on the international scene and extensive work as a teacher of the violin in many universities and colleges, there is probably no one better to take you on your musical journey.

After developing a unique and highly effective form of teaching, E. Lewis has released the only program that will teach you how to play like a violin professional. Not without practice of course!

Do not worry if you are a complete beginner. Eric will take you right from the start and teach you everything you need to know to become a proficient musician. Learn from video and watch them over and over again.

To see a full list of all the features and read some of the breath taking testimonials from his students, visit the main Violin Master Pro Webiste.
