Monday, 7 December 2009
Christmas music and guitar chords.
So I had a look around for some good chords and good guitar website and there are literally thousands. In fact there are so many you can get bogged down and lose sight of wood for the trees!
Although I am primarily a violinist I do also play the guitar, so I wanted to find a site that would allow me to master as many different Christmas hymns, carols and songs with as few chords as possible. This way I recommend it to people who are beginners they will be able to get as much joy from it as the more advanced players.
So this is the site I recommend:
Christmas music and guitar chords.
It's really well laid out and the guitarist Lisa McCormick explains things really well. She only uses three chords G, C and D and shows you how to play loads of different Christmas tunes with these.
If you are a guitarist looking for some great Christmas music this is a great website to get all the information and music you need.
Saturday, 5 December 2009
Very Funny Violin Video
This video is actually on page one of google for several searches - amazing.
At first I wasnt sure whether this guy was actually serious or not 'cos he keeps a straight face all the way through - even when he is singing!
He's a mad Brit, but then again so am I!!!
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Learning the violin in the holidays!
No matter who you are I think it's difficult to resist the magical feeling that surrounds the holiday period and if you can use this to inspire you to learn and practice then you will see the benefits really quickly.
Can you imagine waking up on Christmas Day for example and performing a few Christmas tunes for your family?
Okay you're not going to be a complete Maestro in a couple of weeks, but with some inspired and focused practice you should be able to master a couple of really ineffective carols or jingles.
Actually come to think about it I think “Jingle Bells” only has around five notes in the whole tune. So master those five notes and you're away!
Good luck.
Monday, 26 October 2009
Violin Lessons For Beginners
Just a quick post today.....
In the last few weeks I have had close to 100 people e-mail me asking if 'ViolinMasterPro' is a course suitable for beginners. I'm not quite sure why this is, perhaps the website looks as though it is aimed to be more intermediate player looking to advance their skills.
Whilst that is true, this course is designed to take a complete newbie, from the beginning, straight out of the blocks as a total beginner and teach them everything they need to know about playing the violin and becoming a good all-round musician.
Personally I don't think Eric Lewis has misssed anything in his online violin lessons course and the most basic beginners will not be left to figure anything out by themselves.
I hope this clears up a few peoples questions.
Get the lowdown here - Online Violin Lessons For Beginners
Thursday, 27 August 2009
More Than Reading.....
Monday, 24 August 2009
Should I Copy Pieces From a CD?
Of course listen to, mimic, take on board, be influenced by a lot of players but don't just copy one person. Sure it's OK to have one teacher and learn everything from them but they will encourage you to listen to as many players as you can.
Imagine if you only listened to one player for your whole life on the same CD. Then you played the same pieces, chances are you would play them just like this one player and you would not be original, unique or creative.
Now imagine listening to the piece of music you are studying and listening to it performed by 10 different violinists. You would here ten different interpretations, ten different styles, all of which would influence you and mould you into a better player.
So don't copy just one person when it comes to learning and playing a new piece. Get your hands and ears on as many different versions as you can!
How To Play The Violin
Sunday, 23 August 2009
Practice Makes Perfect
I guess I am writing this post as...well...almost a letter or sometimes it feels like a prescription. Although I am always glad to help out and give my opinion.
I get asked this question a lot:
'How much do I need to practice'?
Well my answer is always the same:
It depends on:
- What you want from the violin
- How fast you want to progress
- What pieces you want to learn etc etc
What I mean is that it will take a different level of approach if you want to become a teacher of the violin compared to if you just want to play a few tunes to entertain you and your family on a Saturday night.
You have to sit back and decide why you are learning this incredible instrument, then the final answer is 'you practice as much as you need to'.
If you are learning to play a new piece and you are practicing for 30 minutes a day as a beginner and your making good progress that you are pleased with, then bingo, you have found the level. But if you aren't happy with how the piece sounds or not happy with the tempo at which you can play it, then up your practice or approach your practice from a new angle.
This is my exact approach to practice. I never set a daily limit on my practice otherwise I would be as boring as the four walls I stared at. When I want to practcie I do it, when something needs work I work on it. If I have a gig coming up, I prepare.
This is music guys, not the army. Look deep into your heart and you will know how much you want or need to practice.
Remember, music is first and foremost about having fun. If you aren't having fun? Change it.
Learn how to play the violin and learn some fun practice techniques with Violin Master Pro .
Friday, 21 August 2009
Manhattan String Quartet? I'm not so sure!
Actually I am sure he would find this just as funny. After all if you listen closesly they do seem to know how to play the violin. Maybe they were taught by Eric over at Violin Master Pro! LOL!
Not so sure about the yodelling though....what do you think?
Monday, 3 August 2009
Violin Video
Click Play and Watch A Master At Work...
This is Eric Lewis in action. It's no wonder that he is principal violinist of The Manhattan String Quartet and a player of international fame.
See, hear and learn more about E.Lewis by Clicking Here.
E-Bay Violins Beware!
E-Bay for certain purchases is outstanding. There I said it! I mean where else can you go to buy a missing car part from a 1920's Rolls Royce at the drop of a hat, or even a second hand Sat-Nav for that trip to Mongolia.
For that E-Bay is perfect. However for Violins I think we need to rethink.
When buying an instrument we need to see and hear it. In fact listening to it is more important than seeing how it looks, but ideally if you can do both and get a great sounding instrument that is in good condition is ideal.
E-Bay doesn't let you do this.
Occasionally you will find someone who was fortunate enough to discover a great seller. Probably a true Violin enthusiast selling their personal instrument. If this happens you may get a great instrument off an honest intelligent seller.
The only trouble is that these scenarios are few and far between. Most of the time it could be any old 'Joe' selling his child's old violin they purchased from Walmart and they tell you it sings like an angel. When you get it home, sure it's shaped like a violin but thats about it.
If E-Bay is where you are going.....proceed with great caution.
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Some Top Tips
By []Richard Rowley
It is an a very interesting and challenging time when you come to learn how to play violin. As you improve there is a wonderful feeling of accomplishment and achievement that only learning a musical instrument can bring. If you follow some of these tips it can help you achieve success that little bit quicker.
1. Make sure that you pick a good standard of instrument to begin with. Although this may still be a violin for a beginner it is important not to pick the cheapest one you find. Go for a good quality of maker otherwise it may result in poor sound quality or be difficult to play. This can be a little disheartening to say the least.
2. Practice reading your music every day. Once you become fluent at recognizing note names, pitches and length value, playing the violin will be a lot easier. If you can read any note fluently then you can focus more on playing the violin. Imagine how hard mathematics would be if you struggled to name individual numbers?
3. Make sure you are working with a teacher that you get on with but also one that is well qualified. Don't be afraid to ask or research their background a little. Many online violin lessons are taught by famous violinists from the world stage. This type of teacher is to be grasped whilst you still can.
4. OK, this is the bit some people do not like to hear. Practice. And then practice some more! Having a good routine and practice 'workout' is crucial to how quickly you can improve. From all my years teaching I could take 2 identical students, with the same ability, but if one practiced and one didn't? Well, there is an unbelievable difference and there is no substitute for regular effort in between lessons.
I think that my biggest tip of all time on how to play violin is to develop this good practice and good work ethos. Without it you are greatly limiting your progress from the start. practice can be hard, because after all we just want to be able to play like Paganini right now, yes? Well pay the price and anything is possible. Do your practice, take the rough with the smooth and you will get excellent results and that is where the enjoyment comes from.
If you are seriously considering learning how to play violin then I strongly recommend finding a great teacher. My favourite are some of the online lessons provided by the worlds best.
Click Here!
Do you know who it is?
His online violin lessons course can last up to 12 months and there are some great features like play along backing tracks and video lessons. All of this for under $30 too!
Thats less than just one normal lesson.
Article Source:
How To Play The Violin
But before I go any further.....Practice is the only thing that really matters! Without a good practice regime you are preventing yourself from finding your true potential. Remember, the hardest thing about practicing is getting your violin out of its case!
Whichever method you go for, be sure to take time choosing a good teacher. Go on recommendations, qualifications, experiemce and yes there personality. Your teacher has to be someone that you 'gel' with as you may be spending a lot of time with them.
Persoanlly I think that online violin lessons are very good right now. Especially if you have the opportunity to learn with a mega star of the violin world.
They are incredibly cost effective and with the power of the internet you can get some very good bonuses and features like backing tracks or jam tracks to play along with. After all ensemble skills are very important to develop, especially if you want to join an orchestra some time in the future.
Get started today click and learn====> How To Play The Violin
Thursday, 30 July 2009
How To Play The Violin

There are a few steps to master if you want to know how to play the violin, but they are steps that, with the right guidance, can be done clearly, effectively and completed with a lot of enjoyment at the same time.
The violin is a beautiful and versatile instrument that is capable of playing any musical style or genre.
And although a little tricky at first, with practice you will be able to entertain yourself, family and friends for hours on end. Enjoy!
Take time to learn:
- How to hold a violin
- How to hold and bow correctly
- How to play open strings with a good tone
- How to read music fluently
- Master left hand fingering and note pitching
- Begin to understand the basics of music theory
- Develop a good practice routine
- Be persistant!
Thise are just a few steps to learning how to play the violin. Although your teacher and learning method are going to be the biggest part of them all. Ensure your teacher is someone with a good background, lots of experience and make sure that you get along with them well.
Here at Violin Master Pro-X we believe that learing online is one of the quickest, most cost effective and fun ways to learn the violin. Visit the site below to earn more about this wonderful method of learning.
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Why Violin Master Pro?

Sure you will still need to practice but having a legend like E. Lewis as your teacher is going to help you become pretty proficient in a short space of time.
I love some of the extra features that you get with this system like the library of backing tracks. It's seriously great fun learning to play along with some music and gives you a real sense of achievement.
Below is some stuff I scraped off the main website of Violin Master Pro's amazing content:
Learn how to play Violin from beginning to professional right on your computer from the comfort of your own home. You are going to be playing violin by the end of the day as the ViolinMasterPro system comes with 11 Video lessons, Exclusive Jam tracks, exercises, scales, chords, and step by step instructions for all stages. In addition to the exclusive system, you will be given 1000+ scales and arpeggios, exclusive resources and our library jam tracks to play along with. Everything you need to learn from start to finish is here. You will be given the tools to develop an incredible skill with a violin.
Its all downloadable through our members section. It's easy, quick and applicable for every player. I am so confident that you will love my program that the Power Video System comes with a 56-day, iron-clad guarantee. No questions asked!

Monday, 20 July 2009
Site Map
Violin Master Pro
Violin Master Pro (post 2)
Other Useful Products
The Top 5 Violin Concertos
Hints And Tips For Buying A Violin
Benefits To Online Violin Lessons
Learn To Play The Violin
Who Is Eric Lewis
Do You Want To
EBay Violins Beware
Some Top Tips
Violin Video
Manhattan String Quartet? I'm not so sure!
Practice Makes Perfect
Should I Copy Pieces From a CD?
Sunday, 19 July 2009
Do You Want To...
Now let me ask you, do you want to;
Woo your family and friends with a soothing, romantic solo?
Rock out with your electric fiddle?
Play condenzas, sonatas and solos?
Play violin in a symphony, string quartet or piano trio?
Play violin at your friends wedding?
Start your own violin teaching business or get jobs as a violinist?
Play the music of the great masters.
Are you a beginner who wants to learn the basics and start playing pieces of music and your favorite songs?
Are you an experienced player who wants to expand their repetoire?
You might even want to develop new talents that will allow you to hear a piece of music and play it by musical memory without music, notes or hearing the music more than once!
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Who is Eric Lewis?
Lewis has been one of the world's greatest violinists for some 40 years where his teaching career has spanned just as long.
He has travelled the world as a performer and has taught in some of thie highest rated Universities and Higher Institutes of the USA. It is during his teaching years that he developed an incredible way of teachig the violin to pupils of all standards.
Now known as Violin Master Pro.
Lewis can be found still touring the world today as a member of the critically acclaimed Manhattan String Quartet of which he is principle Violinist.
Learn more about Eric Lewis and learn to play the violin even if it's 2am in the morning!
Sunday, 12 July 2009
Learn To Play The Violin
There are a lot of incredible benefits to this option. Just a few would be.....
- Price - incredibly low
- Opportunity - learn from a world renowoned master
- Variation - videos, books, jam tracks and 24 hour support
However I feel that the most important part of your journey if you want to learn how to play the violin has got to be, as always. You're practice routine!
If you don't practice you will not progress, even if you are learning from Paganini himself. But, develop a strong work ethic and your progress should remain consistant and rapid.
- Aim to practice on a daily basis.
- Little and often is always better than rare, marathon runs!
- Set immovable times that are allocated to practice.
- Divide your practice time up into sections like: warm up, scales, pieces, exercises and finish with improvisation for example. This helps you keep focused and interested.
- Set some goals. This could be to learn music x by date x.
Many people find learning an instrumnt to often be a lonely task. So as you learn to play the violin perhaps get together with other violinists or musicians to play, talk, swap techniques and music. Interaction with other players can help you progress very well.
To some people who are just beginning this can seem like a very intimidating idea. However I have always found musicians to be very patient and they love helping out the 'newbie'. I think this is because all players were beginners once and they know exactly how it feels.
If you're not ready for that step just yet, then again this is where the online approach is great.
The program Violin Master Pro allows you to play along with what are called 'Jam Tracks'. They are musical pieces that play through your computer and allow you to play or jam along in the privacy of your own home. Problem solved.
If you are serious and want to learn to play the violin, develop a good practice routine and take a look at the online option.
Take me to Learn How To Play The Violin
Friday, 10 July 2009
Benefits To Online Violin Lessons
The Benefits of Violin Lessons Online
By Richard Rowley
Violin lessons online are becoming more and more popular and this is largely due to its long list of benefits compared to one on one lessons. Lessons of all kinds are on the internet today but this industry is still new, hot and growing.
So what are the benefits to internet violin lessons?
- Firstly the cost is incredible. Many sites offer up to or over 12 months of lessons for the price of one. usually around $30.
- Many of the violin lessons are taught by someone famous. This is a unique opportunity and one which would cost you an arm and a leg if you were to do it in person. Imagine having lessons with Nigel Kennedy and how much that would cost? HaHa!
- Many of the courses include videos. This means you can watch the same video over and over again until you understand it. This allows you to move at your own pace so if you have been busy with work for example and haven't managed much practice, there's no need to worry and you can pick up where you left off.
- This is one of my favourites. There is no-one looking over your shoulder as you learn. Whilst having someone there can be great, it can be a little intimidating and for some adult learners even a little embarrassing at first. Well when the teacher is an online video there are no red cheek moments.
- Backing tracks or jam tracks are often available. So you can play along to a cool piece of music as part of a band, ensemble or sometimes a full orchestra.
- many of the best programs on the net have been written for all ages and abilities. So if you are ten years old or 60 years old and just starting you can tailor your course as much as someone who is 25 and a grade 8. As I mentioned earlier many of the teachers are world renowned artists so they have much experience and knowledge for all violinists.
The list of benefits from me could go on and on. I think learning anything online is effective fun and unique. Its these little things that keep you interested and motivated to learn more.
If you are considering taking this route make sure you go for a program that has most of the benefits listed above. This way you know you are getting good value for money and that they are going to be informational and fun.
Violin lessons online are a great way to learn an instrument, but my last tip is to go for a program that offers a money back guarantee. After all even if the teacher is world class, you may not gel with them and wish to use your investment on another program or teacher.
This site is one of the most popular Violin lessons Online websites around. The teacher is one of the worlds greatest from The Manhattan String Quartet. I'll let you find out who that is!
He has a 100% money back guarantee because he is so confident of his teaching methods and he has 12 months worth of lessons with all of the features you should get with a violin program.
A rare opportunity to learn from a world renowned player. Click Here.
Article Source:
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Violin Master Pro
Violin Lessons Online from Violin Master Pro is a self study violin course from one of the worlds greatest players, Eric Lewis. This is why it is sometimes shown as The Complete Eric Lewis Course.
It aims to be a complete solution to learning the violin and as E Lewis plays with the Manhattan String Quartet, you are in pretty safe hands. He has toured the world extensively, has taught both privately and in institutes of higher education for more than 40 years, enabling many players to reach their dreams.
The course began in 1988, while Prof. Lewis was conducting youth and university orchestras.He designed a new method that would enable players of all ages to expand their horizons and play incredibly difficult pieces of music in a shorter amount of time. He accelerated the learning curve for young string players to produce concerts of Mozart, Schubert, Beethoven, and Tchaikovsky.
His method was obviously recorded in writing to begin with, but with the .com boom and technological progressions of the 21st century this has now been packaged into an online video course.
The course includes....
- An extensive video library of 1000 videos - where you will learn from Lewis.
- MP3 Jam tracks to play along with - methodically introduced for the best training.
- Violin Master Pro membership with full access and constantly updated tips and techniques.
All with a full money back guarantee if your not 100% satisfied.
Heres some of what you can learn from Violin Master Pro....
- Learn to read music and master rhythm.
- Play every style of music from classical to rock.
- Master music theory.
- Learn to improvise.
- Play from memory.
- Uncover the secrets of muscular memory.
- Discover the one thing no violin teachers tell their students!
To read more about what you can learn go to
Violin Master Pro by Clicking Here!
The program overall is excellent and it is satisfying thousands of players around the world, but as always there are a few conflicting views.
As a musician myself I find a lot of the negative views probably come from the downside to the program. You still have to practice! Irrelevant of who teaches you, there are still sacrifices of time and effort that need to be made on a regular basis.
All that being said, if you're not completely satisfied with the product it does come with a money back guarantee, unlike most lessons!
More pages to view on Violin Lessons and Violin Tips:
Hints And Tips For buying A Violin
Hints and Tips To Buying A Violin
Unless you are an experienced violin player or teacher it can be very difficult to know what makes a good violin and if you are getting good value. This section tries to lay a few myths and to give you some sensible advice about making a choice.
What size violin?
The violin is one of the best instruments for young children to learn because it is available in so many small sizes from full size, known as 4/4 down to 1/16. A 1/16 violin is very small indeed and is only suitable for a very young child. By the time a child reaches primary school they will normally be big enough to play a 1/4 or 1/2 size instrument and after a year or two a 3/4 size. Most children will be big enough to play a full size violin by the time they have moved on to secondary school.
Why the Difference's in Price?
Student violins come in two basic types, mass produced and hand made. A mass produced violin will be made to a strict budget. The wood that is used will not be so well seasoned or such good quality and most of the carving will be done by machine. A hand made instrument will take much longer to make. The wood that is used will be carefully selected from much older and better seasoned stock and the carving will all be done by hand.
Are All Strings The Same?
A resounding NO to this. Changing the type of strings on a violin can have a profound affect on the sound of the instrument. When the violin was first invented, strings were made of animal sinew (catgut). This type of string produces a mellow sound but is notoriously difficult to keep in tune as they are greatly affected by temperature and humidity.
What's all this about "Setup"?
If a violin is to play well then the collection of parts like strings, bridge and tailpiece have to be in the right place and also the right size and shape. The bridge must have it's feet adjusted so that they match the curve of the belly of the violin. The curved top of the bridge must match the curve of the fingerboard and hold the strings the right height above it and at the correct distance from each other. The soundpost must be correctly fitted and the pegs must rotate smoothly but not slip once the strings are tuned.
Dont forget to visit this site for the full Hints and Tips on buying a violin and lots more informative resources.
Purchase Violin Lessons Online Here
Top 5 Violin Concertos
Number 1 – Ludwig van Beethoven, Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D major, Opus 61, written in 1806.
"The Gentle Giant." A piece of music made of the simple materials but of immense scope and structure. A classic Beethoven trait where he spins one idea or theme out into huge works. The 5-beat element present almost everywhere in the 1st Movement is perfect example.
Number 2 – Johannes Brahms, Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D Major, Opus 77, written in 1878.
"Depth and romanticism." He had to have been in love when he wrote this one!
Number 3 – Jean Sibelius, Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D Minor, Opus 47, written in 1903.
"Emotional, majestic, and exciting." Two outer movements, rough and rugged in nature are completely contrasted by the beauty of the slow middle movement. Which only has one long melodic line, repeated twice.
Number 4 – Peter Tchaikovsky, Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D Major, Opus 35, written in 1878.
"A true blockbuster." This is the most popular violin concerto ever written, and with good reason. Written in a burst of happy inspiration, an audience favourite for over 125 years, and shows no signs of going anywhere.
Number 5 – Edward Elgar, Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in B Minor, Opus 61, written in 1910.
"Victorian pomp and emotional sensitivity all rolled into one." Maybe I like this so much because of its 'Englishism'! The depth of emotion, genuine sentimentality, regal dignity, and consummate virtuosity inherent in this music is all perfectly combined.
This is by no means an official top 5. Just simply my own pickings of popular and prestigious concretos. As I write this, who knows, my own choice may have changed.
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Violin Master Pro is a self study violin course from one of the worlds greatest players, Eric Lewis. This is why it is sometimes shown as The Complete Eric Lewis Course.
It aims to be a complete solution to learning the violin and as E Lewis plays with the Manhattan String Quartet, you are in pretty safe hands. He has toured the world extensively, has taught both privately and in institutes of higher education for more than 40 years, enabling many players to reach their dreams.
The course began in 1988, while Prof. Lewis was conducting with several university orchestras and orchestras of higher institutes. He designed a new method that would enable players of all ages to expand their horizons and play incredibly difficult pieces of music in a shorter amount of time. He accelerated the learning curve for young string players to produce concerts of Mozart, Schubert, Beethoven, and Tchaikovsky.
His method was obviously recorded in writing to begin with, but with the .com boom and technological progressions of the 21st century this has now been packaged into an online video course.
The course includes....
- An extensive video library - where you will learn from Lewis.
- MP3 Jam tracks to play along with - methodically introduced for the best training.
- Violin Master Pro membership with full access and constantly updated tips and techniques.
Heres some of what you can learn from Violin Master Pro....
- Learn to read music and master rhythm.
- Play every style of music from classical to rock.
- Master music theory.
- Learn to improvise.
- Play from memory.
- Uncover the secrets of muscular memory.
- Discover the one thing no violin teachers tell their students!
To read more about what you can learn go to
Violin Master Pro by Clicking Here!
The program overall is excellent and it is satisfying thousands of players around the world, but as always there are a few conflicting views.As a musician myself I find a lot of the negative views probably come from the downside to the program. You still have to practice! Irrelevant of who teaches you, there are still sacrifices of time and effort that need to be made on a regular basis.
All that being said, if you're not completely satisfied with the product it does come with a money back guarantee, unlike most lessons!